A collection of Hattie's presentations from 2005-2022 (slides & You Tube).
Hattie's presentations follow the following format-
1. Hattie used the notion of an "influence" as basically anything which has an effect on student achievement.
2. He claimed these influences can be separated from other variables and measured by a statistic called the effect size (ES).
3. He displayed a graph of over 200 influences with ES ranging from -1 to +2.
4. Since most ES appear to be +ve, Hattie contends that "everything works" so we should focus on "what works best" not just "what works".
5. The ES determines "what works best" & he displays a ranking of influences & ES from #1 down (although he has retreated from rankings recently & claims ES = probability of success).
5. The average ES = 0.40, and this represents 1 years growth.
6. Hattie used a continuum with coloured zones, influences above an ES of 0.40 coloured blue and those below 0.40 yellow.
7. He claimed we should focus on those influences in the blue zone as these are more than 1 years growth, while the yellow zone represents less than 1 year's growth.
8. He denigrated many influences below 0.40 saying they are "disasters", "trivial", "also rans", "don't matter much".
9. Many of the influences below 0.40 are systemic, e.g., class size, welfare, funding, etc... he also calls these "distractions".
Critique & Accountability
"Our discipline needs to be saturated with critique of ideas; and it should be welcomed. Every paradigm or set of conjectures should be tested to destruction and its authors, adherents, and users of the ideas should face public accountability." (Hattie, 2017, p. 428).
Contradictions with Academics & Presentations
In interviews with academics who are aware of the detailed critique of his work (Lovell (2018), Larsen & Hattie (2020) & Kraft & Hattie (2021)), Hattie retreats from his original simplistic claim in Visible Learning, that the Effect Size (ES) determines "what works best" and focuses on "The Story" narrative.
For example, Lovell questions Hattie about using effect sizes & rankings to determine "what works best",
"that's too simplistic, I would never do that...""What's the story, not what's the numbers...""that’s why this will keep me in business to keep telling the story..." (@46minutes here)
But in Hattie's presentations below, he does consistently use the simplistic comparisons of effect sizes & rankings and often describes influences with low effect sizes as "not worth it" or "don't matter much".
With Kraft, Hattie states,
"the greatest was the misuse of the ranking of the different influences on student achievement. I included the ranking as an appendix in the book at the last minute, but many saw it as the major story. In reality, each of the (now 300) influences is not unique...But since 2009, I have tried to discourage focusing only on the top influences and ignoring the lower effects..."
Kraft responds,
"That is fascinating that your list of factors related to student achievement was a last-minute addition but has become arguably the most influential part of your book."
However, if you look at Hattie's 2005 ACER presentation below, Hattie's rankings were firmly in place at least 3 years before Visible Learning was published in 2008.
Also, Hattie continues to disparage influences with low ES and says they "don't matter much" e.g., 2019 Mind Frames Webinar with Corwin, below.
With Larsen, Hattie states,
"Too often, this ranking has been misinterpreted with some saying these top ranked are good, these lower ranked are bad." (p. 18)"And they look at that effect-size table and say tick, tick, tick to the top influences and no, no, no to the bottom, and this was never my message." (p. 28)
"Too many readers thought I was saying we can rank all effects one by one (whereas there are underlying themes differentiating the top and bottom influences), too many thought 0.40 was somehow magic." (p. 79)
Yet, in Hattie's presentations below, a contradictory message is presented, e.g., with Corwin Mind Frames webinar in 2019, Hattie presents slides with a clear "NO" on influences with low ES and also Hattie clearly promotes an ES=0.40 as magical, the point at which 1 years growth is achieved.
My concern is that when Hattie presents to people who are largely ignorant of the huge critique of his work, Hattie continue's to rely on rankings and simplistic comparisons that high ES are better and that this 0.40 ES is somehow magical.
Hattie (2005). ACER lecture, Melbourne, Australia.
The range of effect sizes (ES) from negative to positive with 0.40 as the average.
Introduction of ranking of influence "effectiveness" based on ES.
He lists the rank #.
Also, he contrasts low ES as "disasters" versus high ES as "the major influences."
Slides retrieved June 13 2022 from -
Hattie (2008). Nuthall Lecture, New Zealand.
Continues with the same themes as his 2005 ACER presentation.
Influences ranked in terms of ES on a continuum.
The average ES=0.40 and now this represents a years growth.
Barometer introduced shows "Blue" zone of ES over 0.40 = "desired effects".
Low ES labelled as "disaster's".
High ES labelled as "the Winners".
Slides retrieved June 13 2022 from -
Hattie (2011). Uses 2008 Disaster slides on You tube.
@3.30mins, class size relative to 0.40 is just not good enough.
@4mins, Every teacher improves achievement.
@5mins, compares high vs low effect sizes.
@5.50mins, Disaster slides
@7mins, You had the child for a year and you failed.
@7mins, Most things talked about in Education don't matter that much.
@7.30mins, why is subject matter knowledge low, b/c only surface level knowledge.
@8mins, "All of you who are in Teacher Education should shake in your boots" regarding this low ES, "gosh this is fun!"
@8.40mins, structural things don't matter much.
@10.30mins, the things that do matter.
@2.20mins, 32 things more powerful than socio-economic status.
@5.50mins, self report grades.
@6.30mins, formative assessment.
@6.50mins, pie chart teacher 30% effect.
@13.30mins, My message is how we can have greater effects than the average ones.
@14.20mins, we talk too much about things that don't matter much.
@14.40mins, only half teachers succeeding.
Retrieved June 1 2022 from - https://youtu.be/sng4p3Vsu7Y
Hattie (2011). Melbourne Graduate School - The Future of Measurement.
@18.40mins, 95-98% of things works all you need is a pulse.
@19.30mins, value influences over 0.40.
@21mins, 0.40=1 years growth.
@22mins, Slides, Class size - these don't matter.
@22.30mins, Teacher Education is the most bankrupt institution I know.
@23.40mins, #1 Expectations.
@26mins, labeling students decreases ES by 0.70
@28mins, Feedback.
@29mins, Where to next.
@35mins, advertise E-asTTle.
retrieved July 18 2022 from -
Hattie (2011). AITSL Address.
Video has been removed - a copy of transcript here - http://visible-learning.org/2013/02/john-hattie-presentation-maximising-the-impact-video-transcript/
"If it doesn’t have an impact greater than the average, we’re doing the wrong thing."
"The most bankrupt institution I know in this business is Teacher Education."
"Teachers’ Subject Matter Knowledge counts for zero."
"We have a whole rhetoric about discovery learning, constructivism, about learning styles that has got zero evidence for them anywhere."
Hattie (2012). Panel Discussion. Toronto University.
@5mins, compares above and below ES of 0.40
@6mins, Disaster Slides.
@12mins, #1 Expectations.
Retrieved July 19 2022 from -
Hattie (2012). Interviews Pasi Sahlberg.
@2.30mins, Sahlberg Australians are too pessimistic, your system is doing pretty well. Cross reference Hattie on Revolution School - "our future is pretty dire."
@3.30mins, Sahlberg the things that can be improved are funding & equity.
@4mins, Hattie retorts but Australians funding is more than Finland, Sahlberg corrects Hattie, no Finland spends more.
@4.30mins, Hattie asks about teacher quality, Sahlberg says early & primary are most important & require masters degree.
@6.30ims, Hattie says accountability must be connected to student achievement. Sahlberg retorts, "that's your way to think about these things." Finland's focus is Health, wellbeing, Happiness. Students drive their own learning.@7.30mins, Sahlberg, we trust the teachers assessments of their students.
@9.30mins, Choice & streaming begins at 16 years.
@11.30mins, Hattie - Australia is reasonably high performing.
@12mins, Sahlberg, Australia doing pretty well on equity compared to other OECD.
@12.30mins, more individualised support in lower years in Finland.
@14.30mins, Hattie -teachers need ot be accountable to tax payers.
@15.30mins, Sahlberg - we trust teachers more and rely on the professional community to improve individual teachers.
Hattie (2013). TEDxNorrkoping.
@4mins, Everyone can improve achievement.
@5.22mins, Structural aspects "don't matter much".
@8.19mins, Warning just another distraction. NO.
@9mins, promotes high effect sizes.
@14mins, 40-60% teachers in that impact zone.
retrieved July 1st 2021 from - https://youtu.be/rzwJXUieD0U?t=322
Hattie (2014). Politics of Distraction.
@1.30mins, anything below 0.40. "do we even want to debate that?"
Retrieved 10 July 2020 from - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzoqVYtL3ao
Hattie (2016). Waldegrave School.
Retrieved 10 July 2020 from - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzoqVYtL3ao
Hattie (2016). Waldegrave School.
@1mins, everything works all u need is a pulse.
@1.30mins, stop asking what works.
@2mins, ES continuum, i'm interested in Blue zone >0.40
@2.15mins, regret league table, do higher ES don't do lower ES is NOT the message.
@2.20, it's not each individual influence it's the overlap that forms the story.
@3mins, 60-70% teachers in England in Blue zone.
@4mins, if u r in yellow zone, you CAN'T continue to do that, U have no right to keep doing that. Where R U on the continuum.
@5mins, ave = 0.40 = 1 year's growth.
@6.16mins, those in blue zone get greater than 1 years growth.
retrieved June 7 2020 from -
Hattie (2016). USA.
This advertisement contradicts Hattie aim in Visible Leaning - NOT to create another "what works recipe."
Hattie (2019). Corwin Mind Frames USA Webinar.
@1.30mins, stop asking what works.
@2mins, ES continuum, i'm interested in Blue zone >0.40
@2.15mins, regret league table, do higher ES don't do lower ES is NOT the message.
@2.20, it's not each individual influence it's the overlap that forms the story.
@3mins, 60-70% teachers in England in Blue zone.
@4mins, if u r in yellow zone, you CAN'T continue to do that, U have no right to keep doing that. Where R U on the continuum.
@5mins, ave = 0.40 = 1 year's growth.
@6.16mins, those in blue zone get greater than 1 years growth.
retrieved June 7 2020 from -
Hattie (2016). Microsoft Research.
@5.30mins, been doing this since 1984.
@6mins, Continuum, blue zone over 0.40 greater achievement.
@7mins, what works vs what works best.
@8mins, blue zone vs yellow zone.
@9mins, 0.40 = 1 year.
@9.20mins blue zone increase years growth, yellow decreases.
@9.30mins, contradicts himself, cant take the top strategies.
@10mins, contradicts, low ES = NO!
@11.30mins, change the argument that low ES DONT MATTER!
@13.40mins, Structural things have low ES = don't matter much.
@17mins, slides, structural aspects, low ES = NO!
@17.10mins, not much effect on the teacher.
@19.30mins, technology, low ES has not made a difference.
@22.50mins, Slide of PBL, etc, some pedagogies, PBL etc "destined to fail".
@28.30mins, promotes the high ES.
@29mins, there is no such thing as formative assessment, then why is it a top strategy?
@30.30mins, the new #1, CTE.
@34.40mins, "getting an impact is trivial".
@35.20mins, slide, ranks & high ES.
@39.30mins, TV series in Oz showing how to get the focus away from structural ones to what does learning mean.
@41.40mins, my message is NOT these ones - slide NO! and worry about these with high ES. Look at the differences between those, 2 years gain in impact.
@43mins, its how experts think NOT what they do.
@0.15 mins, "Most of the Work is based on classroom assessment, what teachers do in their classrooms"
@0.40mins, Everything Works- 4Yrs-20yrs.
@1.40mins, Focus on What works best.
@2.20mins, 0.40 = 1 years growth.
@3.30mins, if U R in lower yellow zone, You MUST change.
Retrieved 10 July 2020 from - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC_8_EdydbY
Hattie & Corwin (2016).
Hattie & Corwin (2016).
Create an advertisement showing "what works" versus what "does not work." Video still being display currently (June 2022).
This advertisement contradicts Hattie aim in Visible Leaning - NOT to create another "what works recipe."
The advertisement also contradicts what Hattie says to academics, e.g., Hattie & Larsen (2020),
"And they look at that effect-size table and say tick, tick, tick to the top influences and no, no, no to the bottom, and this was never my message." (p. 28)
Also, Hattie does give some detail about his contract with Corwin, in his interview with Knudsen (2017),
"there are two things you worry about: One is quality control, and the other is to make sure that if your licensee does not deliver on quality control, you have to have very tight legal contracts so they can be fired overnight." (p. 3).
Retrieved June 2022 from-
Hattie (2016). HALT Summit - Collaborative Expertise & High Impact Pedagogies.
@2mins, $80 million/Year to set up NBC cert. But we failed miserably!
@5.50mins, "My mission as the chair of AITSL is to privilege expertise."
@5.10mins, We constantly talk about the things that don't matter.
@8mins, I work in Teacher Education - the most bankrupt institution I know.
@17mins, these don't matter much.
@20mins, Oz has low between School variance but high in school variance.
@27mins, financial reward for expertise.
@32mins, NBC study, 100's teachers.
@37mins, PBL, IBL a notorious failure.
@43mins, new #1 increases learning by 4 - CTE.
@49mins, can't improve NAPLAN because it regresses to previous years mean.
Retrieved Jan 2023 from - https://youtu.be/X21cgHQ7MGM
Hattie (2016). Jack Keating Memorial Lecture - Melbourne University.
@5.40mins, Promote HALTs.
@8mins, Sci+Maths enrollments down.
@14mins, no exams to allow more students to finish Y12.
@18mins, Cape York Schools rate of learning X3.
@23mins, these are TRIVIAL = NO
@24mins, promote HALTs
@29.30mins, CTE #1, increase rate of learning by X4.
@32mins, Revolution School, none of these make a difference!
@33mins, Revolution School stats.
@39mins, dont' focus on achievement - but VL is focused on Achievement!
@48mins, language difference at 5Y.
Retrieved March 22 2023 from - https://youtu.be/X7FrKTHcFIE
Hattie (2017). HALT Summit.
@0.30mins, The Narrative about expertise is our future in this business.
@19mins, promotes Noel Pearson's schools.
@21mins, NT school using VL improves.
@22mins, NT NAPLAM increased.
@24mins, selling ASTLE for Teachers to know impact.
@28.30mins, New #1 CTE.
@29.30mins, The teacher causes learning, not the student...
Retrieved Jan 2023 from - https://youtu.be/cDXeMuotqJk
Hattie (2017). ResearchEd, Melbourne.
@3.30mins, past experience is evidence, but must be contested.
@4mins, interpretation is important.
@7.30mins, I could not care less about your teaching, I want to know the impact of your teaching.
@9mins, "nearly all of it is based on what happens in regular classrooms by regular teachers... 99.+% is based on classrooms run by ordinary teachers, not like in Psychology where they use under-graduate students, they bring in outsiders and this kinda stuff."
@10mins, the effect size continuum.
@14mins, what works best.
@15mins, which of these has a high impact on kids.
@15.40mins, these are "trivial" "don't matter", "politics of distraction".
@18.30mins, I'm always looking for evidence to falsify my model."
@19mins, effect size continuum, ave = 0.40, 95-97% of things we do improve achievement.
@24mins, 0.40 = 1 years growth.
@24.30mins the blue zone, over 0.40 gets more than a years growth compared to the yellow zone, below 0.40.
@25.20mins, Kambrya HS in the bottom 10% now in top 10% in the state on any measure.
@26mins, we focus on the things that don't matter, down below 0.40
@29mins, "i think the days of evidence is over."
@31mins, you had him for a year and you failed.
@31.42mins, we should STOP investing in the things below 0.40, we should stop arguing that they are going to make a difference..
@32mins, I can't find any moderators.
@39mins, why is ES for class size so small.
@40mins, compares to 0.40
@45mins, no a single structural thing is above 0.40
@51mins, CTE new #1.
@54mins, teacher 30% influence slide.
@55mins, 2-3 years growth with these high effect sizes.
Retrieved June 6 from -
Hattie (2017). HALT Summit
@12.30mins, 97% of things we do work.
@13mins, distractions, trivial.
@28.30mins, new #1, CTE.
@33mins, get away from distractions.
@37mins, Revolution School
Retrieved July 17 2022 from -
Hattie (2018). The Educator Mind Frame. 1st presentation with new commercial partner Corwin.
@1mins, Focus on What works Best.
@5mins, most things work - all u need is a pulse.
@6mins, the blue zone = high effects the yellow zone = effects less than average 0.40
@7.20mins, NO for lower effect sizes, relative to 0.40 they are quite trivial. "We love to discuss things that don't matter!"
@8mins, compares low vs high ES again -says - "WOW!"
@9mins, the story of VL is to identify those in the lower yellow zone and invite them to come up into the blue zone.
@10.30mins, 10 years since VL, regrets league table.
@11mins, so he changed emphasis to Know they Impact, effect sizes are probability statements.
@12mins, don't care about how u teach, i'm want to know the impact of your teaching.
@17mins, what do I mean by impact?
@18mins, Hattie list a number of things as Impact.
@19mins, blue zone greater than a year's learning for a year's input.
@20mins, focus on growth.
@23mins, multiple measures of Ed outcomes - links to know thy impact.
@28mins, Collective Teacher Efficacy new #1.
@30.30mins, CTE has highest effect size we know, 1.57 - "Quadruples the rate of learning."
@33mins, activator vs facilitator compares ES .60 vs .17 "constructivism nonsense".
@37mins, Feedback.
@40mins, Feedback is about where to next.
@56.30mins, conflates CTE - see slide.
Retrieved June 6 2022 from -
Hattie (2018). On 730 Report. The 10 Year Anniversary of NAPLAN.
@2mins, 1 year is not enough, 5-6 years is needed.
@4.30mins, mark of a great teacher, passion & made you believe in yourself, but hard to measure.
Hattie (2018). John Hattie on "What Actually Works in Schools to Improve Learning". Future of Education.
@17mins, everything works.
@18.30mins, Teachers below 0.40 are not doing as well as we want them.
@24mins, Why is Teacher Subject Knowledge low?
@25mins, Those below 0.40 don't make much difference.
@31mins, Why is Leadership low?
@33mins, Self Report Grades.
@4mins, nearly all of it based on real classrooms.
@5mins, what works to what works best.
@6.30mins, graph of effects, 0.40, almost everything works.
@8.30secs, want to understand the difference between the blue and yellow zones.
@9mins, 0.40=1 years growth, those in blue zone gain more than a year.
@11mins, don't go to more PD to learn how to teach.
@12.30 "Wow look at those, incredibly low ES... structural things... all the things that tend to dominate discussions... as you can see they HARDLY matter, yes some of those things enhance learning, but TRIVIALY so & so NONE of those make a difference.
@17.50mins, contradicts we don't want to only focus on highest ES.
@23mins, a years growth for a years input.
@26mins, switch focus to growth.
@27mins, don't just have test score, use a 'basket of goods'.
@30mins, not sure there is a concept 'formative assessment'.
@33mins, Collective Teacher Efficacy is the new #1 influence.
@37mins, Activator vs Facilitator, compared ES, "throw constructivism out the door" But U said not interested in how you teach @11mins?
@40mins, Feedback, his list does not concur with studies.
@42mins, focus on 'where to next' feedback.
@46mins, we talk about learning not teaching.
@47.40mins, finishes with new barometer listing a ranking of individual influences.
Retrieved March 1 2022 from - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tANBHAy5DDU
Hattie (2019). Corwin USA Webinar- Developing Assessment-Capable Learners.
@2.30sec, change from "what works" to "what works best" the ave of 0.40 is presented!
@5mins, ave of 0.40 = years growth.
@6mins, higher effect sizes promoted.
@8.30mins, Defines Assessment Capable Learners, links to formative assessment but these ES don't match 1.44?
@22mins, WHAT depending on circumstance diff strategies are different!
@24.30mins, too much emphasis on the surface knowledge.
@25mins, every strategy can be taught - mentions creativity.
@25.30mins, Jigsaw method is gr8 method
@26.30mins, conflates Self Report grades as student expectations.
@28mins, we need to check what research Hattie cites for this his claims are highly dubious.
@30mins, Feedback ES=.70 no mention of 2020 when it goes down to 0.48, Hattie mentions 1 third of feedback is negative.
@30.30mins, feedback studies do not detail this, where did Hattie's details come from?
@32mins, barometer again.
@35.30mins, Growth mindset has low effect sizes, Growth mindset is the most fixed mindset we can have!
@36.20mins, The BEST way to build student confidence is to give students formative feedback.
@45.20mins, MULTIPLE ways for students to achieve or reach their goals.
Retrieved July 2020 from - https://youtu.be/n3TJ6gvPisE
Hattie (2020). AALL Connect Inspire Session 4.
@2mins, I don't care about how you teach, i care about the impact of your teaching.
@3.30mins, Came into education as an outsider.
@4mins, hard to find a study that shows something does not work.
@4.30, yet he says some things were disastrous.
@4.50mins, focus on 'what works best'
@6.30mins, no difference between maths/english, older or younger children. It is very hard to find an influence that varies as a function of setting - what about Homework?
@8mins, 95-98% enhance learning.
@8.50mins, Continuum does not represent % of students.
@9.50mins, 4year olds to university students.
@12mins, low ES enhances learning but trivially so.
@12.30mins, Class size.
@13mins, tiny, tiny, tiny ES
@18mins, promotes CTE.
@22.20mins, teach them to outline and summarise.
@23mins, link to what students already know.
Retrieved 15th September 2022 from - https://youtu.be/RKZUskLRqKA
Hattie (2021). Corwin USA Webinar. The big 7.
@5mins, everything works, continuum of ES, compares blue zone with yellow zone.
@6mins, 0.40 is a years growth.
@6.30secs, now the effect sizes represent schools not individual influences - quite a switch - did anyone notice?
@7mins, top 7 effect sizes are more important than lower ES.
@7.30secs, a year's growth again..
@collective teacher efficacy, renamed as "teachers working together", "triples" student learning.
@10mins, "failure has to be the learner's best friend" CLT???
@13mins, "the max probability of success! - ES of course!
Retrieved May 17 2022 from -
Hattie (2021). Visible Learning: The Sequel. Institute for Positive Psychology & Education (IPPE).
@3mins, What works Best, Blue zone vs yellow zone, 0.40
@5mins, yellow zone “less important”.
@9.30mins, converted the direction of boys girls.
@10mins, some defences of critiques. There is overlap.
@11mins, why is ES of class size so small, I should not have cast message that it is unimportant.
@12mins, implies the meta-analyses are all up to check.
@19mins, relabelled CTE.
@21mins, we need teachers who are critical of research.
@30mins, looking at classroom observations, our ES go out the window.
@31mins, takes credit for David Clarke's work in setting up classroom observations.
@38.40mins, Throw Bob Marzano's 450 out of 500 strategies out the window, cause they are all over the place, teaching does not map to learning. Retrieved July 21 2022 from -
Hattie (2021). Corwin Webinar, What will you NOT do this year?
@11.50mins, you had him for a year and you failed.
@19mins, not about ES
@22mins, yet it is about ES, teachers need to be in the zone of High Impact.
Hattie (2021). Corwin USA Webinar - Early Childhood.
@3mins, Emphasis on the effect size.
@5mins, 1 year's learning is ES = 0.40, so focus on high effect sizes.
@6mins, Barometer of influence - High impact vs low impact.
@10mins, Hattie promotes notion of '1years growth' again.
Retrieved May 17 2022 from -
Hattie (2022). Thought Leadership Series - John Hattie and Samantha Rodgers on Leading Engagement. Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership.
@66mins, Teaching methods ES, Interleaved Practice low ES = 0.21
@71mins, "Problem Solving a Notorious Failure" but ES = 0.67 & 0.35
@73mins, "ES difference is ginormous".
Retrieved June 23 2022 from -
Hattie (2022b). The Power of Feedback with Grokspot
@5mins, promotes focus on high impact vs low impact.
@5.40mins, ES Feedback listed 0.71.
@6.20mins, blue zone vs yellow zone.
@7mins, What works best.
@7.30mins, blue zone More than a year's growth.
@8.30mins, list of influence with high ES.
@9.30mins, contrasts influences with low ES.
@10.30mins, influence with high ES are "doubling the rate of learning."
@15mins, definitions of feedback but don't link to studies.
@53mins, know thy impact, backtracks on notion high ES are better, suggests impact is personal for each teacher.
@56mins, student to students to student feedback "dramatically' better than teacher to student feedback.
Retrieved June 23 2022 from -
Hattie (2022c). Building Cultures of Feedback.
@7mins, blue vs yellow zones, "feedback well above" 0.40. But Hattie forgets to mention his latest study reduces ES to 0.48.
@45mins, "nose for quality".
Retrieved June 23 2022 from -
Hattie (2022d). The Power of Feedback Interview Digitally Enhanced Education Webinars.
@1mins, change from What Works to What Works Best.
@19mins, debate about What Works Best.
Retrieved July 19 2022 from -
Hattie (2022e). Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) Conference Adelaide, Australia.
@7.30mins, "We had the contract to come up with the assessment to set up the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards."
@8mins, Hattie says he compared 400-500 teachers but the study only reports on 65 teachers. He says those who passed accreditation were experts those that did not were experienced.
@8.30mins, Expertise 75% deep & relational and 25% content and facts the experienced teachers were the exact opposite.@9.30mins, Hattie's 6 P's representing expertise: Patterns, Problem solvers, Perception, Probing, Proportion, Passion.
@12mins, Problem Solving one of our notorious failures, but nearly 10 studies he cites have ES near 1 & Problem Solving Teaching is 0.67
@13mins, you can see passion.
@13.30mins, Not what you do, it’s how you think about what you do.
@13.30mins, Not what you do, it’s how you think about what you do.
@14mins, How many HALTS?
@19mins, many states have competing or alternative models to HALTS or teachers with expertise. HALTS are the guardians of our standards.
Retrieved July 26 2022 from -
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